A Hopeful Look At 2018

Meagan Forde - Hopeful Look at 2018

Well people, we finally did it. 99 days into January and we are finally free.  January has been quite the shit show. I think the pressures of having your it all together and me not knowing what the fuck I’m doing with my life made me shut down x100 and I kind of just floated around for the month trying (read: pretending) to reflect. Of course, it didn’t help that it was -30 outside, but excuses aside I’m ready to finally get it together, i’m feeling hopeful.

My bucket list has been written, demons put to rest and I am more than ready to get the ball rolling. I thought to start it all off, I’d share my top five goals for the year and just hope all goes well.

Travel More:

The only thing that makes me truly happy and makes me feel most like myself is travel. I think everyone should do it, and I want to do as much of it while I can. I mean last year alone, I travelled to 7 different countries, some multiple times. I was able to go zip lining through rings of fire, swim in cenotes, see a show on Broadway, had water fights with elephants, ate at Michelin starred restaurants, I even “found myself” in Asia. I know it’ll be hard to beat, but I just want to live a life I’m actually proud of and experience as much culture as I can get my grubby hands on. Luckily, I started the new year with one trip already planned, so I’m off to a good start. However, if you’re ready for adventure and have global entry, hit a girl up!

Actually Blog:

I started a blog to challenge myself. I had just graduated and didn’t want to just lose my desire to write. Clearly, procrastination won because I never post, but I want that the change in 2018. I’ll be travelling a lot more which leads to good content. But I also want to establish my voice. Our social climate is falling apart and I should be using my voice to discuss these things. I hate feeling unintelligent now that I’ve lost the validation of a post-secondary education blowing smoke up my ass. I think this blog could be something wonderful, but also be something amazing to look back on in a few years. Also, I should just stop being lazy.

Work Out:

Speaking of lazy, I want to be more active. I had spurts last year where I was really into that #gymlife and I felt great about myself. I want to experience life with more energy while also rocking my hottest bod yet. Stay tuned.

Stop Being Complacent:

My life is very comfortable. And while I am incredibly lucky to have a life as easy as mine is, with the support group that I do, I need to want more for myself and do more for myself. I have all of these visions for what my life could be. Or expectations for what my life will be when I actually become an adult…but somehow without me realizing that already happened and I need to do something about it.

Try New Things:

I’m not saying I want to jump out of a plane or something crazy, but I keep saying I want to do things and then I never do. I let social anxiety get the best of me and I miss out on so much because of it. Which I hate, so this year I’m going to start truly manifesting my dreams and say no less. Because in a dream world I’d be living in Colombia by the end of the year living my best life and experiencing the world entirely out of my comfort zone. I’m going to make that happen. You should stick around and see me do it.

My next post will have more coherent thoughts, I promise. I want to make this a weekly thing.



